Tuesday, 18 December 2012

R is for Realessence

I was immediately swept up in the current of the cruel liquid-air that ran through the chambers of the heart of my brother’s house. I was pushed through the chambers, rapidly experiencing joy, sorrow, anger and contentment in succession, feeling each emotion for a moment before moving on to the next. Above me I caught fleeting glances of Wisp, who was coloured a terrified sharp orange. I called out to Wisp for a report. If I had’ve kept my fingers they would have been crossed to the point of white-knuckles.
I continued to swirl for another minute without anything from Wisp. The emotions that I was going through were becoming more than just a roller coaster. I could feel something within me stretching. It was as though the very particles of my form were stretching, like those ships going through black holes in old sci-fi movies. I tried to brace myself, to hold myself together but I had no power to do so. I had no muscles, no bones, just light. Again I cried out in our peculiar way of communicating. I imagined capital letters flying from me to Wisp. I was scared — more scared than I believed possible considering I had no reason to fear death. I felt myself breaking and I did the only thing I could do; absolutely nothing.

                    *    *        *       *       *

It was some time later that I became aware of myself again. I was in Jonathan’s house but, unlike the last time I had been there, I was actually resting on the couch instead of hovering above it. I could feel the sticky velveteen; unwashed for an indeterminate amount of years. Jonathan backed away as soon as I could see him but Wisp stayed by me.
‘What happened? Did it work?’ I asked through the haze of transition.
‘You’re okay!’ Wisp replied
‘What about my brother?’
‘Heath’s better. You fixed the tear.’
‘Great! Let’s get going then. We still have to look for your family Wisp.’
‘I’m afraid you can’t do that.’ Jonathan said from a chair across the room, ‘you’ll be spotted. You’ve achieved realessence.’

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