Sunday, 16 December 2012

P is for Pericardia

Jonathan then moved back on his chair and went into a sort of trance. His green hue gave way to shards of red, yellow, blue, and every other colour known to humanity. As Jonathan seemed to cycle through them like a radio tuning to stations some were overlapped, creating new colours like blue/yellow,  red/green and pink/orange. There were no more of Jonathan’s words coming into my head but I could hear a faint, high-pitched squeal like a modem across a quiet room. The flashing colours finally subsided and Jonathan began to control the colour changes. He appeared to be in conversation with three people: Sickly yellow, deep crimson and olive green. He rotated between these colours and his own forest green depending on who was speaking. At one stage he began to flicker between crimson and olive before his forest green returned. I figured crimson and olive were interrupting each other before Jonathan told them to take their turns.
I watched Jonathan, fascinated by his ability, as Wisp looked around the room. Clearly Wisp had seen all of this before. A few minutes later Jonathan returned to his forest green colour and the high-pitched trilling faded out.
‘Well, that was enlightening. According to the knowledgable women and men of our network you are no ordinary spirit. Recall, if you will, my explanation that you had been in the heart of the house. Well, just like a human heart has a pericardia; a sac in which the heart is protected; so too does the house heart. It appears that you have breached the pericardia of your brother’s house heart, which you shouldn’t have been able to do.’
‘But I did it too.’ Wisp cut in.
‘Yes, I asked them about that. They believe that when our friend here penetrated the protective sheath they left a hole through which you could enter.’
‘I tried to go into a nicer part of the … heart. I tried to make it better.’
‘The others were a bit confused by that too. Meredith, the crimson spirit, thought that you may have left a permanent tear in the first chamber but only a temporary one in the second.’
‘Is there a way to fix it? I want to help my brother.’
‘There is but you must understand something. Every house has these hearts, the chambers of which are called Keeping Rooms. In the Keeping Rooms all of the emotions which have been shed within the house are stored. They usually leak slowly, which is why you may sometimes get an instinctual feeling that a house is ‘happy’ or ‘sad’. You’ve opened a flood-gate. Now we’re going to have to try to close the crevasse.

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