Saturday, 15 December 2012

O is for Organ failure

Wisp led me away and over the roofs of suburbia like a gritty magic-carpet ride. Disney never envisaged the factories and hills hoists and washing that would never be fully clean in the polluted air. I was struggling to pay attention to our journey as I couldn’t get the thought of my brother’s pain out of my head. The afterlife was starting to blow and I wished now that I had managed to find my way off the planet when I died so that I wouldn’t have had the chance to make my brother feel this bad. It had become clear to me that there were many people who had died and weren’t buzzing around the planet. If they all had’ve stayed then we would have been overrun with all of the people who had died throughout history. Why had Wisp and I stayed behind?
Abruptly Wisp pulled me down and through a hole in a red-tiled roof. The house which we had entered had clearly seen better days as the paint flaked crisply on the walls and subsidence had caused a window to shift in the wall and leave a large gap. On an old sofa lined with worn, brown velveteen sat a being like Wisp and I.
‘Wisp! How’s things. Come in, come in. Pull up a chair.’ The green spark turned to me, ‘Hi, nice to meet you. Please take a seat. My name is Jonathan Fitzmorris.’
Jonathan eagerly bid us to sit. I mused that if we had’ve had hats and coats Jonathan likely would have taken them from us and hung them up in the hall. I hadn’t actually sat since my transformation and I wasn’t entirely sure if it was possible as I seemed to be able to go through everything. I settled for hovering above a chair.
‘I’m so glad you’ve come to see me. What can I do for you?’
‘Jonathan, my friend here needs some help. She’s activated something in her brother’s house. It’s a basement that isn’t normally there.’
‘My dear,’ Jonathan replied to me, ‘I believe I can help you. I am a part of a group called Never-roam. We communicate telepathically as, you may have guessed, we don’t leave our houses. We live as though we were still human. I have heard of this phenomenon that you have described before. You were in the heart of the house. What has happened is similar to organ failure.’

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